Twink's Good Canine Condo Neighbor Training Class

Post date: Sep 19, 2014 5:36:25 PM

Wow, what news! I must be doing something right, since my human partner in life, Mary was asked on my behalf to prepare a training guide to help create a peaceful (non-barking) environment for condo residents; inclusive of visuals and texts on helpful suggestions on how NOT to break the management rules and regulations, as a canine resident.

The small self help guide is called: "How to Become a Good Canine Condo Neighbor; and Not Tagged as a Public Nuisance."

So thank you my friends for thinking positive thoughts on my behalf. My adjustment to my condo lifestyle is getting better.

I was so pleased over the acceptance of my training guide, that I am now thinking about writing a self help guide to help people overcome negative thinking.

Again, I ask you to continue thinking positive thoughts on my behalf. I am so excited to think that I am good enough, smart enough and by gosh, people now like me!


Twink E. Twinkle